Friday, February 3, 2012


CHAPTER 01 Operations and Productivity
 [ Summary ]
 1.What is Operations Management?
 2.The Heritage of Operations Management
 3.Why study OM?
 4.What Operations Managers Do
 5.Organizing to Produce Goods and Services
 6.Exciting New Trends in Operations Management
 7.Operatins in the Service Sector
 8.The Productivity Challenge
CHAPTER 02 Operations Strategy for Competitive Advantage
 [ Summary ]
 1.Identifying mission and strategies
 2.Achieving Competitive advantage through Operations
 3.Ten strategic OM Decisions
 4.Issues in operations strategy
 5.Strategy development and implementation
CHAPTER 03 Design of Goods and Services
 [ Summary ]
 1 Goods and Services Selection
 2 Product Development
 3 Issues For Product Design
 4 Time-Based Comprtition
 5 Defining The Product
 6 Documents for Production
 7 Service Design
 8 Application of Decision Trees to Product Design
 9 Transition to Production
CHAPTER 04 Process Strategy and Capacity Planning
 [ Summary ]
 1 Four process strategies
 2 Process analysis and design
 3 Service process design
 4 Process reengineering
 5 Capacity
 6 Break-even analysis
 7 Strategy-driven investments
CHAPTER 05 Location Strategies
 [ Summary ]
 1 The strategic importance of location
 2 Factors that affect location decisions
 3 Methods of evaluating location alternatives
 4 Service location strategy
CHAPTER 06 Layout Strategy
 [ Summary ]
 1 The strategic importance of layout decisions
 2 Types of layout
 3 Fixed position layout
 4 Process-oriented layout
 5 Office layout
 6 Retail layout
 7 Warehouse and storage layouts
 8 Repetitive and product-oriented Layouts
CHAPTER 07 Supply-Chain Management
 [ Summary ]
 1 The strategic importance of the supply chain
 2 Purchasing
 3 Supply-chain strategies
 4 Vendor selection
 5 managing the supply-chain
 6 Internet purchasing
 7 Materials management
 8 Benchmarking supply-chain management
CHAPTER 08 Aggregate Planning
 [ Summary ]
 1 The planning process
 2 The nature of aggregate planning
 3 Aggregate planning strategies
 4 Methods for aggregate planning
 5 Aggregate planning in services
CHAPTER 09 Material Requirements Planning(MRP)
 [ Summary ]
 1 Dependent Inventory Model Requirments
 2 MRP Structure
 3 MRP management
 4 Lot-sizing techniques
 5 Extension of MRP
 6 Enterprise Resource Planing(ERP)
 7 MRP in Services
CHAPTER 10 Short-term Scheduling
 [ Summary ]
 1 The strategic importance of short-term scheduling
 2 Scheduling Issues
 3 Scheduling Process-focused work centers
 4 Loading Job in Work Centers
 5 Limitations of Rule-based Dispatching Systems
 6 Finite Scheduling
 7 Theory of Constraints
 8 Bottleneck work centers
 9 Repetitive manufacturing
 10 Scheduling for Services
